Stormwater drainage
You should ensure that your stormwater drainage does not cause a nuisance or health hazard to your neighbours or the community and that it does not cause erosion or sedimentation to adjacent properties or waterways.
To help maintain your stormwater drainage system, you can follow these tips:
- Keep gutters, downpipes, and stormwater drains clear of debris, leaves and other blockages
- Regularly inspect and maintain your stormwater drainage system, including grates, pits and pipes
- Repair any damaged or leaking pipes or other components
- Ensure that your property's drainage system is properly graded and directed towards the nearest Council drain or waterway
- Consider installing a sediment control device, such as a silt fence, to prevent erosion and sedimentation during construction or landscaping activities on your property
If you have any questions about your property's stormwater drainage system, please contact us for more information or download our Stormwater Factsheet.
Commercial and housing developments
For most new commercial and housing developments, stormwater management is guided by the Water Sensitive Design chapter (Chapter 22) of Council’s Development Control Plan.
Managing water quality and localised flooding issues
The Lismore Urban Stormwater Management Plan (USMP) 2016-2026 aims to improve the sustainability of Lismore’s urban stormwater systems by taking a holistic approach to stormwater management by focusing on both stormwater quality and quantity.
The plan includes a 10-year Implementation Program costing almost $10 million to address local flooding and improve water quality, funded by the Council's general fund and Stormwater Management Service charge.