Group Fitness classes

At SWITCH, we offer a variety of group fitness classes for you to choose from.

Group fitness provides accountability, encouragement and a social aspect to help you reach your fitness goals while having fun.

Check out our Group Fitness timetable for class times and come sweat, laugh and make friends with us. 

Low impact

ABT (Abs, Butt and Thighs)

Targeting the core, glutes and upper legs, you will reap the rewards of definition and strength. Sculpt your midsection and tone your legs with a low-impact class using light plates and body weight.

Body Moves

Low-impact exercises to improve health and fitness without compromising your joints. Circuit training for the young-at-heart to keep your body moving happily and healthily for years. Suitable for all fitness levels. Keep your body moving happily and healthily for years.

Core Yoga

Bring awareness into your body as you move, stretch, and strengthen your core muscles in a yoga class designed to improve your balance, breathing and mental wellbeing. CORE yoga is for the body and mind, building willpower, a strong back and determination in how we do life.


Engage the core, challenge all of the major muscles of the body with a low-impact approach. A mat-based pilates class that works on stability, strength and mobility with precise body movements and postural alignment.

Stretch and Recovery

Increase joint mobility and lengthen your muscles while relieving tension held in your body from stress and intense workouts. Incorporating myofascial release and static stretching to help you unwind and improve your range of motion.


A gentle and nurturing way to create strength, flexibility, harmony and balance. Ideal for relaxing and breathing technique that will develop connection between your mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. Yoga practice will take you on a journey to holistic health. Our chair-yoga variation is a seat-supported class for those who may have difficulty accessing the floor.

In the pool


A low-impact, medium-intensity aerobics class in the pool. Aqua is a fun and exhilarating class for all ages. Guaranteed to work you hard using the resistance of water, while having lots of fun with friends.

Swim fit

This adult swim squad is all about helping you achieve water-based fitness goals. Whether that is to lose weight, tone muscle or improve stroke technique. A great class for those planning to complete in an ocean swim, triathlon or Masters Games race.

Strength and cardio


Learn the foundation of boxing technique and punch combos incorporated in a workout that gets your whole body fired up. No session is the same but may include partners, bag work and lots of skills and drills for improving hand-eye coordination, strength and endurance, core stability and self-defence.


This class is a high energy cardio workout that will have you sweating, smiling, and having fun. You will experience various styles of cardio that will get the heart pumping. Finishing off with Core training. Strengthening and conditioning of the core muscles surrounding the middle of the body - the abdomen, hips, pelvis, and lower back to gain all the benefits of having a stronger core.


Short rounds of high-intensity followed by recovery speed, plyometric and strength exercises designed to increase cardio fitness and muscle endurance leaving you with a post-workout buzz. Getting your body in ultimate fat-burning mode in less time.


A high-intensity class involving strength training and plyometric movements that are designed to increase cardiovascular fitness and strength endurance. Designed to improve functional strength and endurance using compound movements, this class comprises of high intensity.


Grab your weights and come get stronger, more toned and more confident. Sculpt is a motivating full-body workout using weights to increase your muscle mass and burn fat.


Ride into fitness with this stationary bike-based, group class. Strong legs, strong hearts and lungs. Challenge your body and mind every session for great energy and great results. 


Our strength classes are designed to help add definition, build muscle mass, increase metabolism, and improve your functional movement. You will get the coaching, support and guidance you need to power up and get stronger!


Latina and world rhythms lead the musical vibes of this awesome dance-focused fitness class. Often called exercise in disguise, Zumba boosts your workout energy, encouraging calorie burning during a fun and vibrant dance party.

Les Mills

Les Mills Body Balance

A fusion of yoga, tai chi and pilates. This program builds flexibility and strength and leaves you feeling centred and calm. Bend and stretch through a series of poses, embracing breath control.

Les Mills Body Pump

Barbell training that builds lean muscle and endurance fast! Following the music, your whole body gets a workout while you have fun burning calories. Low to moderate weight and high reps challenges and motivates you for success.

Les Mills Core

The ultimate way to get a tight and toned core. Hone in on torso muscles that connect your upper body to your lower body. Ideal for tightening your tummy and butt, while improving functional strength which assists in injury prevention.

Les Mills RPM

Spin your way to defined legs and lower body strength with an indoor cycling class where you ride to powerful music. Riding positions and speeds to suit the terrain you'll burn calories to get fitter.

Samson Challenge

Samson training

Learn how to ace the race! A mixture of sessions designed to enhance your skills for attacking the Samson Challenge obstacles with confidence. With training for both land and pool as well as general conditioning, you will be all set.