Council Decides: May Ordinary Meeting

Published on 16 May 2024


Welcome to your May issue of “Council Decides”, where we update you on the decisions and discussions of the Lismore City Council’s monthly Council meeting.


The business papers and attachments for the meeting can be found at



Six people spoke on one topic during Public Access

  • Four speakers spoke against the proposed community title subdivision at 37 City View Drive, East Lismore
  • Two speakers spoke for the proposed community title subdivision at 37 City View Drive, East Lismore



    Councillors resolved to:

  • receive and note the Condolence motion for Frank Vanz and forward a letter of condolence to the family from the Mayor
  • receive and note the Condolence motion for Paul O’Neill and forward a letter of condolence to the family from the Mayor
  • receive and note the report on the Sister City 60th Anniversary delegation to Yamato Takada



    Councillors resolved to:

  • receive the minutes of the Lismore Flood Risk Management Committee of 29 February and 11 April, and adopt the recommendations contained within
  • receive and note the minutes of the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee for 28 February 2024
  • receive and adopt the recommendations contained in the Joint Steering Committee (Cultural Alliance) minutes for 7 May 2024



    Councillors resolved to:

  • approve the DA relating to 37 City View Drive, East Lismore subject to the recommended conditions of consent
  • place the draft revised Delivery Program 2023-2027 and Operational Plan 2024-2025 on Public Exhibition for 28 days, as well as the draft Long-term Financial Plan and the draft Strategic Asset Management Plan
  • adopt the March 2024 Quarterly Budget Review Statement and approve the recommended variations
  • receive and note the April 2024 Investments Report
  • receive and endorse the Delivery Program Progress Report for the period January to March 2024
  • re-establish Alcohol Free Zones in Lismore and Nimbin as illustrated by Attachment 1 in the business papers – Alcohol Free Zone maps commencing 10 July 2024 for a further four-year period
  • subsidise the lease fee payable by Lismore Model Flying Club Incorporated for the 2023-2024 financial year and that the General Manager be delegated authority to enter a renewed five-year licence agreement with the Lismore Model Flying Club Incorporated over the licensed area of part 313 Wyrallah Road, Monaltrie for the operation of a Model Flying Club, with the rent to continue with annual CPI adjustments
  • ·note the following documents be executed as negotiated under delegated authority by the General Manager:
  1. Licence Agreement with Country Women’s Association of NSW over CWA Building, 115 Molesworth Street, Lismore for a five-year term for the purposes of Country Women’s Association meetings, trainings and other ancillary uses thereto.                                                                                        
  2. Licence Agreement with the Lismore & District Workers’ Club Ltd over part 16 Wyreema Avenue, Goonellabah for a five-year term with a five-year option for the purposes of access and operation of licencee’s telecommunications equipment.                                                                                                          
  3. Licence Agreement with S Macdonald and H McPherson over Suite 3A, 165 Molesworth Street, Lismore for a five-year term for the purposes of office space and consulting rooms to facilitate accessible services, including for d/Deaf+disabled community members.                                                                                        
  4. Licence Agreement with Richmond River Historical Society Inc over Ground Floor Suites 7-8 and the entire First Floor, 165 Molesworth Street, Lismore for a five-year term to facilitate the maintenance of an archive containing materials and historical artefacts that encapsulate the unique essence of the region.
  • adopt the terms of reference for the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee and appoint Councillor Andrew Bing as a non-voting member of the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee
  • adopt the Lismore City Council Social Media Policy attached in the business papers
  • include the following clauses in the Code of Meeting Practice: 3.10(a) “A councillor may submit no more than three (3) notices of motion to be considered at each Ordinary meeting of the Council.”, 3.14(a) “A councillor may submit no more than three (3) questions with notice for response at each Ordinary meeting of the Council.”, the Code of Meeting Practice be placed on public exhibition for 28 days and receive submissions for not less than 42 days, and if no objections are received following the submission period the Code of Meeting Practice be updated
  • approve the appointment of the following individuals to the Aboriginal Advisory Group (in alphabetical order): Annie Monks, David Lucas, Emily Wightman-Gala, Hannah Wilson, Penn Molloy, Tim Roberts and Tina Williams
  • ·note the contents of the Exclusion of Question with Notice report



    Councillors resolved to:

  • receive the Mayoral Attendance Report for April 2024
  • the two voting delegates to the 2024 Floodplain Management Australia National Conference are Councillors Ekins and Bird, that if constitutional matters arise the voting delegate is Councillor Ekins and approve the submission of the motion for AVL Link Remote Access to the conference organisers
  • Defer to a briefing the transfer ownership of the land known as Bellevue Park, Nimbin to the Nimbin A&I Society Inc at no cost



Councillors resolved to exclude the press and public to consider confidential matters. After the session, Councillors returned to announce they had resolved to:

  • approve the recommendation of the evaluation committee and authorise the General Manager to progress to the next stage of the tender process with Landcom and the first placed Community Housing Provider (CHP) by negotiating and entering into the Heads of Agreement (HoA)

  • accept the six suppliers listed in the evaluation results to form an un-ranked panel of approved providers for Tender T2024/3 Sewer Relining for an initial one-year period with an option to extend the contract for two additional one-year periods at Council’s absolute discretion
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